San Joaquin County
Purchasing & Support Services

About Purchasing

Procurement services for all San Joaquin County (County) departments are centralized under the County Purchasing Agent. The Purchasing Agent has sole authority under the Government Code to purchase personal property, services, and rental of equipment for the County.

To ensure the most value for the taxpayer’s dollars by providing consistent, high-quality, and professional services that are timely, transparent, fair, and honest, while treating all parties with respect and dignity, and providing a high level of customer service.

Purchasing & Support Services (Purchasing) will act as honest brokers between the external marketplace and internal users to arrive at best-value procurement decisions while maintaining the highest ethical standards. Purchasing will honor and comply with all laws, rules, and policies governing the purchasing function. Purchasing will strive to develop quality-based partnerships with high-performing suppliers to ensure the most appropriate equipment, materials, supplies, and services are being purchased through valid, compliant, and competitive contracts. All members of Purchasing will work as a team in delivering the highest possible level of customer service.

The fundamental objectives of our purchasing program may be summarized as follows:

  • Provide value-added service and support for our customers
  • Procure materials and services at the lowest cost, consistent with quality, service, and other relevant factors
  • Promote accessibility, open communications, and procurement opportunity
  • Continuously evaluate and improve the quality of our service
  • Provide procurement leadership in an era of continual change
  • Create and preserve a work environment that promotes efficiency, employee competence, and commitment to our highest public purchasing values and goals
  • Ensure a good return on investment of the public dollars entrusted to us
  • Promote and support environmentally responsible policies
  • Avoid duplication, waste, and obsolescence and maximize return on surplus property
  • To regard public service as a sacred trust, giving primary consideration to the interest of the governmental unit by whom we are employed.
  • To purchase the best value obtainable, securing the maximum benefit for each tax dollar expended.
  • To avoid "sharp" practices, giving all qualified vendors an equal opportunity.
  • To respect the obligations and to require that obligations to us and our governmental unit be respected.
  • To accord vendor representatives the same treatment we should like to receive, remembering that they are important sources of information and assistance in our buying problems.
  • To strive constantly for greater knowledge of purchasing methods and of the materials we buy.
  • To be receptive to counsel from our colleagues and to cooperate with them to promote a spirit of unity.
  • To conduct ourselves with fairness and dignity, and to demand honesty and truth in buying and selling.
  • To cooperate with all organizations and individuals engaged in enhancing the development and standing of the Purchasing profession.
  • To remember that everything we do reflects on the entire purchasing profession and to govern our every action accordingly.
Concepcion Gayotin
Interim Director
44 N. San Joaquin Street
Fifth Floor, Suite 540
Stockton, CA 95202
Phone: (209) 468-3240
Fax: (209) 468-3393
8:00 am to 5:00 pm Mon-Fri
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