Auditor Controller


The San Joaquin County Auditor-Controller is an elected official performing his duties under the legal authority set forth in the California Code, principally those sections of the Government Code beginning with sections 26880 and 26900. He is the principal financial and accounting officer of the County and as such his primary duties in general involve providing the following services:

  • Maintaining and providing accounting and statistical information for the use in management and control of the operation of the County and those Districts whose funds are kept in the County Treasury.
  • Auditing the operations of any agency under the Board of Supervisors, and other public or private agencies as required.
  • Responsibility for the receipt-disbursement of County monies.
  • Reviewing, prescribing, installing and supervising accounting forms, systems and procedures of any County agency under the Board of Supervisors and any district whose funds are kept in the County Treasury.
  • In conjunction with County Administrator, responsible for the preparation, administration and control of the approved County budget.
  • Maintain appropriation and budgetary controls including control accounts on various funds and appropriations; auditing all claims before issuing warrants on the County Treasurer.
  • Calculate the tax rates; correct the tax rolls; apportion and distribute taxes. Apply Direct Assessments to tax rolls.
  • Serve as fiscal-accounting adviser to the Board of Supervisors.
  • Serve as Auditor and/or Financial Officer for special districts, boards, authorities, etc., as designated.
  • Provide accounting services to non-County governmental agencies which may be required due to the involvement in that agency by the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors.
  • Monitor and control the financial status of all funds under the Board of Supervisors and other funds as designated in the Government Code.
  • Provide Payroll services to County departments and special districts.