Environmental Health Department

Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (APSA)

The purpose of this program is to protect waters of the state (surface water and groundwater) from exposure to (petroleum-based) oil stored in aboveground storage tanks by confirming compliance, for specified facilities, with the federal Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure rule. This is achieved through routine, periodic, and complaint inspections, surveillance, enforcement, public education, and assistance to industry.

California Health and Safety Code Section 25270.4


Information Contact
Paul NsoEnvironmental Health Specialist(209) 616-3049
Carol LeytoRegistered Environmental Health Specialist(209) 616-3061
Kristina SaeternEnvironmental Health Specialist(209) 616-3045
Vicky Vang-LeeSenior Registered Environmental Health Specialist(209) 616-3028
Shewit WoldearegayEnvironmental Health Specialist(209) 616-3063
John AlanizLead Senior Registered Environmental Health Specialist(209) 616-3053
Elena ManzoProgram Coordinator, REHS(209) 953-7699

Related website links:
USEPA Tier I Template   
Example Tier I Templates 
Office of the State Fire Marshal Tier II Qualified Facility SPCC Plan Template 
Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act Website (Office of the State Fire Marshal)