San Joaquin County Human Resources
Employee Information Page

San Joaquin County Human Resources is working hard to keep staff informed. Please continue to visit this page for all of the latest information.



On September 30, 2022, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 152 into law extending the COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (SPSL). The new law goes into effect September 30, 2022, and expires December 31, 2022.

AB 152 does not provide employees with any additional SPSL hours nor does it change the qualifying reasons for which employees may use SPSL established under SB 114.

Departments are to follow established procedures and guidelines for employees with available SPSL for qualifying reasons from either leave bank, up to 40 hours each through December 31, 2022 (pay codes SPSL and LSB). All leave remains subject to maximum caps, set forth by SB 114.

If an employee has already used all of their SPSL earlier this year, they do not receive any additional hours.

For additional information, please view the following:

Public Health Orders


Quarantine Requirements - SJC Public Health Officer Emergency Quarantine Order (Updated 04/11/2022)

Isolation Requirements - SJC Public Health Officer Emergency Isolation Order (Updated 05/16/2022)


Health Care Worker Protections in High-Risk Settings - State Public Health Officer Order (Updated 09/13/2022)

Health Care Worker Vaccine Requirement - State Public Health Officer Order (09/13/2022)

Correctional Facilities and Detention Centers Health Care Worker Vaccination Requirement - State Public Health Officer Order (Updated 09/13/2022)

Quick Links for COVID-19 Information:

San Joaquin County Public Health Services - COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine Orders

SJ Ready - COVID-19 Information

California Guidance on Face Coverings

CDPH Guidance for the Use of Face Masks (Updated 09/20/2022)

Training Video: Voluntary Use of Filtering Face Piece Respirator N95

NOTE, "Sam" makes a HUGE mistake in the "correct" portion by cross-contaminating the clean gloves by touching the door handle with them - she should have put them on in the exam room so she didn't have to touch a door handle once she had them on. This should be shared with any staff reviewing.


HR Updates

Department Head Memo: CAL-OSHA'a Revised Emergency Temporary Standards and Governor Newsom's Executive Order N-09-21


COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive Guidelines (Revised 11/29/2021)
Statement of COVID-19 Vaccination Status Form
Flyer: Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccine Incentive Program Announcement

Employee Testing

Memorandum: COVID-19 Employee Testing
FAQ: COVID-19 Voluntary Employee Testing

Archive Guidance

Updated Guidance on COVID Leave Law - SB 95 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave (5/13/2021)
2021 COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Flyer (DIR)
Request for Leave related to COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave form (5/13/2021)
COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave Overview (5/13/2021)
Human Resources Update COVID-19
Employee Rights Paid Sick Leave And Expanded Family And Medical Leave Under The Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Archive General Information

State Announces San Joaquin County in Tier 2 (Red Tier) - Substantial
CDPH has provided new guidance on outdoor playgrounds and recreation facilities
Update on California's Pandemic Roadmap
San Joaquin Officials Update County Stay at Home Order
Order Of The San Joaquin County Public Health Officer Implementing The August 28 2020 Directives Of The California State Public Health Officer Regarding Brewpubs Bars Breweries And Pubs
Order Of The San Joaquin County Public Health Officer Implementing The August 28 2020 Directives Of The Governor Of California And The California State Public Health Officer
Telework Guidance During Regional Stay-At-Home Order

Archive Health Guidance

Self-Certification of COVID-19 Vaccination Status
Employee Health Guidance for General Employees
Memo: COVID-19 Pandemic Update & Safety Protocol Tips

Archive Combating COVID-19

General Germ Prevention
Slow The Spread And Stress Relievers

Archive Board Documents

April 14th 2020 Board of Supervisors Meeting
Implement HR 6201 and Authorize Modifications to Sick Leave in Accordance with Qualifying COVID-19 Reasons and Leave Accrual Policies
Human Resources Response COVID-19

Archive San Joaquin County Essential Services

Receive Staff Presentation Regarding San Joaquin County Essential Services and Approve the Temporary Closure and Adjustment of Service Hours to the Public for County Departments
Resolution Approving San Joaquin County Essential Services And Approving Temporary Closure And Adjustment Of Services Hours To The Public For County Departments

Archive FAQs

San Joaquin County COVID-19 FAQs